How Eat Superfoods for Osteoporosis

Foods high in calcium and vitamin D are especially good for boosting bone density. These are the best known nutrients when we think about bones, but several others also play an...

Eat Spirulina Every Day to See These 6 Things Happen to Your Body

In all the noise surrounding dietary supplements, it can be hard to separate the facts from the hype. Sometimes a particular thing will be hugely popular for a couple of months...

What is the hottest chili in the world? 2019 ranking

Hot chili peppers and Guinness of World Records always go hand in hand, so that each year new varieties are evaluated that aim to be part of the ranking that reviews...

What Happens If You Drink Organic Milk Everyday

Drinking milk every day can be a very healthy habit, as long as you aren’t lactose intolerant. Humans are the only species that continues to drink milk after infancy, and it...

Fresh broad beans: a complete food

With the classic cheese, in salads, creams, with rice, seafood: the beans are a delicious ingredient that brings cholesterol-free vegetable proteins and a good dose of vitamins. Take advantage now that...

Meat And Dairy Products Are Full Of Antibiotics And Hormones

We understand that traditional farmers need to make money, but the common practice of spiking animal feed with antibiotics and growth hormones is patently dangerous to consumers. Yes, a virus that...

Sleepless Nights: The Connection Between Stress and Insomnia

Sleepless nights are a common complaint for many individuals. With so much going on in our lives, it's easy to feel overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, and depressed, which can all lead to...

Healthy recipe: healthy cake with feta and dried tomatoes

Healthy recipe: healthy cake with feta and dried tomatoes Here is a recipe rich in protein and good lipids that will delight your taste buds and help you to boost your energy!...

You know Physical activity moving lengthens life

. The right physical activity at any age . Benefits for body and mind . Never stop even if age progresses A sedentary lifestyle must be fought at all ages, since sport and physical...

Your back pain can hide a hernia

We usually attribute back pain to incorrect postures or muscle overloads, but in some cases this is due to an alteration of the discs that separate the vertebrae. Understanding if this...
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A List Of All The Good Things Unfolding In India’s Music...

2019 has been a standout year for the urban Indian music scene. From big brand lead events, to larger than life star-studded music-focused blockbusters,...

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