The discovery and development of antibiotics has been a literal lifesaver for both humans and animals. Before antibiotics, many bacterial infections led to death. What started as a minor infection burgeoned until the body could no longer survive it. After antibiotics, millions of lives were saved and surgeries became safer.

Unfortunately, bacteria are highly adaptable. They are able to evolve to become immune to the medications we throw at it. This process is called antibiotic resistance, and it is happening all the time. Our overuse of antibiotics has seriously accelerated this process.

For this reason, it is often better to give your body a little bit of time to try and fight the bacteria without medication. Improve your natural infection-fighting ability by eating more fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds on a regular basis. And when your body needs a boost to fight off a pesky bug, try the following 11 natural antibiotic foods.

One of these is actually among the most famous gifts ever given – can you spot it? But first, find out more about how the overuse of synthetic antibiotics is pushing the population toward a global crisis.


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