Smoothies contribute to good hydration and can help you lose stomach. If you make a watermelon smoothie, you will enjoy the benefits of an amino acid it contains, arginine. A study by the Journal of Nutrition, an American dietary magazine, has shown that arginine helps burn fat and increase muscle mass.
A pineapple smoothie will bring you bromelain, a pineapple enzyme that helps break down proteins, aids digestion and eliminates bloating.
Watermelon smoothie. Cut into pieces the equivalent of two cups of watermelon and put them in the blender. Add 1/4 cup skim milk and mix for about 15 seconds or until the mixture becomes well blended. Add 2 cups of ice cubes and mix again, 20 seconds or the time needed to get the consistency you want. Here is a link to a watermelon smoothie recipe.
Pineapple smoothie. Mix 1 cup skimmed milk in the blender and add 100 grams of fresh or canned pineapple pieces. Mix this mixture for 1 minute. Pour into a glass and add 1 teaspoon of cold-pressed organic linseed oil. Serve yourself.


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