You want save money, so you are choosing Chinese phones. Before deciding to save a lot of money on the purchase of a new cell phone, many shoppers wonder if they are taking any chances. To help you keep a clear head, we have summarized the 5 biggest counter-arguments against China phones and explain why they do not apply. If you follow the rules in this article, you can easily buy a new phone for a lot less money than Mediamarkt and Co. can.
1. China phones are cheap because they are inferior
Chinese mobile phones cost less because they are made of inferior components and have a poor quality Not even close! The high-quality Chinese mobile phones are in no way inferior to the well-known brands in Germany. They use the same displays, processors, batteries, etc. The days when every mobile phone manufacturer builds his smartphone from scratch are long gone. Also Samsung, LG, Sony and Huawei buy the components of their mobile phones with different producers and build their mobile phones together. The manufacturers of China mobile phones produce their smartphones from the same components, but with lower margin and less advertising costs. With a Chinese phone, you can therefore buy a top smartphone for about half of the money.However, you should be careful to select a China phone that has already proven itself through good testing and experience of other buyers.
2. Chinese language that you can’t read
I do not buy a cell phone with Chinese language – because I understand nothing and can not use apps. The reality looks different here as well. Thanks to the popular smartphone operating system “Android”, the Chinese mobile phones use the same software as the smartphones from other manufacturers. So you can use all apps without restrictions and does not have to deal with the Chinese language. As a rule, you can adjust your Chinese phone easily in English or any other language.
3. No guarantee
China phones have no guarantee if my phone breaks! True and not true! China mobile phones are almost always guaranteed by the seller, but not all sellers keep their promises. Therefore, it is important that you buy your phone at one of the reputable shops , because only there you can also make sure that you will be helped, if you should have a problem. However, it is indeed the case that China has a maximum of one year warranty and not, as in the case of the German warranty, 2 years. By the way, the reason for 4 out of 5 broken smartphones is that the phone falls to the owner on the ground. Here, however, does not guarantee and guarantee the world but only to buy a new phone. Well, if you did not spend 500 euros on your mobile phone in this case.
4. Everything just cheaters
I am afraid that I will pay but not get a cell phone sent. You take this risk only if you pay your phone by bank transfer and order from a dubious seller. To be on the safe side, always pay with Paypal. Then you can get back in the problem case about the buyer protection your money.
5. Delivery from China
Ordering a cell phone from China is certainly complicated and takes forever. In fact, it does not take that long! Thanks to Deutsche Handelslogistik (DHL), smartphones are being transported from China to Germany at great speed. It usually only takes 4 working days for the phone to be with you. Since the DHL takes over the customs clearance, you can pay the import sales tax of 19% comfortably in cash to the DHL messenger. The whole thing is not as complicated as it sounds.