The low carb diet
The glycemic index is, as we have seen, a scale that allows us to classify foods according to the nature of the carbohydrates they contain. This nature determines the level of increase in blood glucose levels when these foods are consumed, compared to a reference food. In addition, a low carb diet, which may also be called a “low carb diet”, is beneficial for people who do not engage in regular physical activity. And whose energy needs are low. It is the same for those who seek to lose weight. Athletes should be sure to replenish their liver and muscle glycogen stores after each training session.

The ketogenic diet
The ketogenic diet places the body in a state of ketosis. It then involves using another source of energy for the body, which is not glucose. According to its principle, it is necessary to consume mainly lipids and proteins, to the detriment of carbohydrates. It is therefore a diet very low in carbohydrates. This diet can be beneficial for health, provided that it is followed by health professionals ( 4 ) ( 5 ).

The paleo diet
As its name suggests, the Paleolithic diet consists of eating in the same way as our hunter-gatherer ancestors. The diet consists essentially of meat, fish, eggs, seafood, oilseeds, fruits, vegetables and vegetable oils. The only carbohydrates consumed come from these food families. The paleo diet allows you to lose weight. But also to gain energy and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. However, athletes must ensure that they consume enough carbohydrates to meet their energy needs.

What you must remember
Our body needs carbohydrates, but many factors come into play. Fat mass, physical activity, genetics, metabolism … To put in place an adapted carbohydrate management, it is first of all necessary to be based on its own energetic needs. . The less athletic are moving towards a diet low in carbohydrates. While the most sporting promote the carbohydrate rebound after exercise. When in doubt, do not hesitate to seek medical advice.


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