The melon is a perfect fruit to quench your thirst in summer , but it can also be a valuable ally against aging. As he explains on his blog also Marco Bianchi, Food Mentor and testimonial of UniSalute, is an energetic and complete food , recommended to everyone especially during the hot season.
But let’s see, point by point, what are the properties of the melon , together with some preparation proposals, taken from our section dedicated to Health Recipes.
The seasonality of the melon covers all the summer months: it can be found starting from May and until late September . There are different types, among which the best known is that of the cantaloupe, characterized by the bright orange color of the pulp. Equally well known is the winter melon, which is available in the coldest months and can be recognized by the whitish and smooth skin, and the paler pulp.
Taking into consideration 100 edible cantaloupe melons , the nutritional values of this fruit are:
90.1 of water;
0.8 g of protein;
0.2 g of lipids;
7.4 g of soluble sugars;
0.7 g of fiber.
From the point of view of minerals and vitamins , it is observed that the melon is rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin A and vitamin K.
Melon is a fruit rich in nutrients, but low in calories. Always taking as reference 100 grams of edible product, in the Cantalupo , for example, we find 34 kcal , while in the white melon only 22 .
The doubt about the caloric intake of the melon often derives from the high sweetness of this fruit which, however, does not invalidate its energy share, which makes it suitable also for low-calorie diets, unless otherwise specified by a specialist.
Melon has, first of all, precious antioxidant properties. It is therefore a food that supports the body against cellular aging and the harmful activity of free radicals.
By virtue of the amount of potassium, the melon is also a valuable ally of the circulatory system and contributes to the constant maintenance of blood pressure. Furthermore, it has been observed that the consumption of this fruit is associated with a lower risk of metabolic syndrome , and it has been shown that it can improve the metabolism of insulin and blood sugar. This latter characteristic makes it sometimes advisable for the diet of those suffering from diabetes .
The presence of vitamin A, on the other hand, makes the melon a fruit capable of protecting the intestine and skin . Furthermore, the presence of beta-carotene, as in the case of other orange-colored foods, favors a correct tan. In fact, it carries out a protective action with respect to the harmful effects of UV rays , and in particular UVB.
Finally, the fact that 90% of it is made up of water means that the melon is moisturizing, diuretic and satiating. It is also a refreshing fruit that, especially in hot weather, contributes to a correct rehydration of the body.
Precisely because of this high percentage of water, the experts advise against consuming it for those who are already following a diuretic therapy because, in some cases, there could be interference.
The melon is therefore a fruit with many properties, indicated and even recommended for the summer diet . It can be consumed naturally, but also as an ingredient for many light and healthy preparations. Marco Bianchi, for example, suggests dressing it with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil : in this way, in fact, it is possible to better absorb the benefits of beta-carotene.
The classic combination with raw ham is approved by nutritionists. Specifically, it makes the melon more tasty, digestible and less laxative. Among our Health Recipes, instead, we recommend trying the melon and tofu salad , flavored with mint, or using melon to prepare fruit skewers suitable for snacks for both adults and children.
In conclusion, the properties of the melon are varied and make it a fruit to be consumed safely, following the seasonality , both for adults and for children. Knowing the characteristics of foods is useful above all in light of the role that proper nutrition plays in a preventive perspective. We have seen how, in particular, melon can be useful for those suffering from certain heart diseases: just to support this type of patients, and their families, UniSalute proposes Family Protection , an individual insurance policy that includes some free annual exams, but also a lifestyle improvement plan that includes a personalized diet and exercise and motor activity program. It is now confirmed, in fact, that prevention is a daily activity that also passes through what we bring to the table. Did you know that melon had these beneficial effects on the body?