ICE CREAM DIMAGRIRE DIET – Fresh, sweet and from today also “lose weight”: it’s ice cream, one of the most adored comfort foods by Italians that, according to prof. Marcello Mandatori – Master’s professor at the Tor Vergata University of Rome – could even prove to be an ideal ally to lose weight in the summer months. “Demonized for a long time because of its caloric content – the expert explains – just considering its peculiar characteristics, I believe that it can represent the main food of an effective slimming diet. A flagship of our gastronomy, if we think that Italy is the world’s leading manufacturer of homemade ice cream, and that today it also becomes a friend of the balance ”.

ICE CREAM DIET TO SLIM – The nutritional characteristics

The success of the ice cream is due to its excellent nutritional qualities and its great digestibility. “An ideal food at any age”, reassures prof. Mandatori. “Usually the average content for a good homemade ice cream with creams is as follows: 3 to 6% protein; from 9 to 15% fat; and from 16 to 26% of sugars. Naturally it also contains mineral salts, in particular calcium, phosphorus and iron. Due to these characteristics, it can replace a complete meal , with the only care to cover the fiber requirement – of which the ice cream is usually lacking – in the other meals of the day.

ICE CREAM DIET TO LOSE – How to put ice cream in the diet

Ice cream should not replace all the meals of the day but only one of the main plus a snack.

The less caloric format, the 100/150 calorie one, is ideal for the mid-morning or mid-afternoon s

nack : a small fruit cone will lend itself very well.

If instead it i

s consumed instead of lunch, one of 200 grams which brings about 350-400 calories will be perfect. So go ahead in these cases with cream flavors, more caloric than fruit.

If you prefer light and fresh ice cream like lemon, strawberry and grapefruit, opt for those as well but add a fruit salad to get a complete and healthier meal.

How many kilos are lost with the ice cream diet?

Following the rules and menus proposed by Pietro Migliaccio, you get to lose up to three kilos in a f

ew days.

In a week you will feel more deflated, lighter and even hydrated (in fact, ice cream is mainly composed of water, therefore it has a high thirst-quenching and moisturizing power).

Even if it includes one or two ice creams a day, this diet is low-calorie: the daily menus that compose it, in fact, do not exceed the total 1100/1200 kcal.

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