Childbirth preparation starts at home

Nutrition, physical activity and some beauty products are some of the weapons available to future mothers to get in shape at the time of birth. Pregnancy is not a disease or a...

Keep the cholesterol at bay with sport

A method that is as simple as it is effective in cleaning up cholesterol arteries ? Thirty minutes of aerobic activity per day. And it will not be just the heart...

Sinusitis, a help from natural remedies

. The identification marks . How and why it arrives . Ancient and modern natural remedies When inflammation affects the paranasal sinuses, the most annoying symptoms can be successfully treated thanks to the grandmother's...

You know Physical activity moving lengthens life

. The right physical activity at any age . Benefits for body and mind . Never stop even if age progresses A sedentary lifestyle must be fought at all ages, since sport and physical...

You know Vegetarian food provides the necessary proteins

With the exception of sugars and oils, all plant foods contain protein. The highest protein contents are legumes, soy products (tofu, tempeh , soy milk and other soy products), seeds, nuts,...

Healthy snacks will make you feel good

Who wouldn't sometimes need a nice resting time with nice people, a refreshing shoot in the moment of fatigue, or just having a nice snack with some snacks and delicious snacks?...

Healthy diet during pregnancy and lactation

Childhood and breastfeeding is a time-consuming time for a woman's health, as the body requires a little more than usual and needs to be skillfully engraved to stay healthy and get...

Organic food healthier than ordinary food?

Many people first associate with organic food something very healthy and clean, but at the same time very crunchy. We tried to find out a little about the good and the...

A nutritionist is not just for weight problems

For some reason, many people only associate nutrition with the concept of weight problems. Mostly weight reduction, sometimes also lifting. However, a competent nutritionist can help solve many more health concerns...

A healthy dinner brings good sleep and energy for the morning

Based on the observations contained in many internet portals, advice on dietary articles, and advice on different channels, one would assume that there is no healthy dinner as such. Depending on...
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Lower Disease Risk, Especially Cancer

The fact that eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables lowers your risk of many different diseases is probably not news to you. What...