The inflammation of the sciatic nerve occurs with acute and sudden pain caused by nerve irritation which makes even the most normal daily movements debilitating.

The inflammation of the sciatic nerve is a debilitating condition that prevents the performance of most of the daily activities and is manifested through annoying pains from lumbar back

pain , which spread through the buttock and legs, up to the feet.
If you also suffer from this very common problem but you do not know the subject well, it may be helpful to read the following article describing what the symptoms are , the remedies and how long the inflamed sciatic nerve lasts .

Sciatic nerve: 

why does it ignite?
The sciatic nerve is the longest and largest nerve in the human body that begins at the end of the back and continues throughout the leg. The branches of this nerve come to touch both the back and the sole of the foot. Given its size and length, in fact, this large filament, which runs through our lower limbs, performs important functions, including motor function (controlling some muscles responsible for the movement of the leg) and sensory function (allowing the skin to capture temperature changes and painful stimuli).

But why does it tend to catch fire easily? Most of the scientific literature and the medical community believe that inflammation in the sciatic nerve is caused mainly by the presence of a herniated vertebral disc . The rupture, damage and degeneration of the disc (that is, the junction present in each vertebra that contains a gelatinous substance) can undergo a shift that tends to damage the neighboring nerves, in particular the sciatic nerve.

This problem can also originate from causes that do not involve the back: for example, you may be suffering from the piriformis syndrome , or from the neuromuscular disorder that is created when the piriformis muscle, located in the buttock, compresses the sciatic nerve.

Finally, there are factors that can be considered risky for this nerve. These include the following:

old age
work efforts that affect the back
trauma to the buttocks and thighs
Inflammation of the sciatic nerve: symptoms
What are the most common symptoms of sciatic nerve inflammation? It is good to make a precise list of the pains that can arise as a result of this problem, since often one tends to confuse any discomfort in the leg with a sciatica. The pains in the legs, in fact, do not necessarily coincide with the inflammation to the sciatic nerve : they can often be caused by vascular problems, muscular tensions or other irritated branches of the femoral nerve.

The typical symptoms of sciatica are the following:

pain that arises in the lower back and passes through the buttock and thigh
continuous tingling of the toes or under the plant
numbness of the leg, foot and thigh
difficulty moving due to loss of muscle strength
One method to more easily recognize the symptoms of sciatic nerve inflammation is the leg sensitization test . This test, called the Lasègue sign or test , is in practice a maneuver, carried out by specialists in posturology , as well as osteopaths and physiotherapists , used to examine the possible presence of sciatica: the patient, lying on his back and with elongated legs, the thigh is flexed in the direction of the pelvis in order to determine the presence of stretches.

In the positive case (ie in the presence of pain ) there is certainly an inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Otherwise, a neurosurgeon or orthopedic doctor can be used , who, after taking a medical history and postural evaluation, usually prescribe an RX plate . In the case of clinical doubts, there may be further investigations carried out using magnetic resonance imaging and electromyography (to detect the presence of nerve diseases, such as neuropathies)

Inflamed sciatic nerve. How to cure it and how long does it last?
If you have an inflamed sciatic nerve and want to treat it, these remedies can be very useful.

In case you find yourself in an acute phase of pain, with the impossibility of moving, staying in bed a few days is certainly the best condition, so as to avoid further irritation of the nerve. Once you have heard your doctor, it will be useful to start the prescribed therapy right away (usually anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxants). Absolutely avoid the use of physiotherapy , osteopathic or holistic massages . These could increase the pain.

If the pain continues and inflammation is about to become chronic, certain therapies such as tecar therapy , laser and hyperthermia will be able to meet you , which must be carried out exclusively by highly specialized personnel.

But how long does this annoying inflammation last? In less serious cases, it can last 2 or at most 3 days . At other times it may last several weeks . The most serious chronic forms, on the other hand, can last for years. The important thing is to know how to intervene immediately in the acute phase and follow the therapies and advice given by your doctor.


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