How to choose an olive oil?

As with wine, for example, not all oils derived from different types of olives are the same. Each can present a different spirit and quality, which is what makes buyers wonder...

How to avoid lumps in béchamel sauce?

Béchamel sauce has become popular for its use in the preparation of gratin dishes that contain pasta, vegetables, meat or fish, both in professional and amateur kitchens. You only need milk,...

What Will Happen if You Eat 2 Bananas a Day

espite their very short shelf life, bananas are one of the most popular fruits worldwide. In fact, they are the 4th most valuable crop globally and are grown in at least...

What Happens If You Drink Organic Milk Everyday

Drinking milk every day can be a very healthy habit, as long as you aren’t lactose intolerant. Humans are the only species that continues to drink milk after infancy, and it...

How to Prevent Diabetes with These Organic Foods

1. Vegetables Of All Kinds Vegetables should form the basis of most meals, rather than meat. It’s important to eat the rainbow, meaning veggies of every color, in order to get a...

How to Eat Organic Healthy on a Budget!

So you want to buy organic, but the prices have you in a state of sticker shock. How do you go about buying organic and not blowing your budget? It can...

If You Eat 3 Dates Everyday For 1 Week This Is What Happens To...

If you like sweetness on a Friday night, something new and exciting, or something that will give you energy and perhaps a little skip in your step, then you are likely...


At this point in life, it is well known that blue fish is full of healthy properties, and that it is delicious. But why are there so many people who have...

How to Eat More Fruit and Vegetables

"I forget", "is that for work as much as outside and so there is no way" or "I do not know how to cook them, they are very boring" are three...

Boiled egg diet: menu, what to eat, effectiveness

The egg is a protein food rich in nutritive qualities, perfect for satiating without weighing down and limiting the intake of fat. The hard-boiled egg , in particular, has the advantage...
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Magical Banana Weight Loss Smoothie That Will Help You Slim Down

Bananas are great for weight loss because they have a variety of nutrients that support healthy weight loss. Eating a banana can help you...